Selling through Storytelling

Everyone tells you that storytelling is the way to your customers’ hearts, but no one is telling you how to do it.
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The reality is: if you're a business owner today, you're a content creator. You need to sell, and people need what you have to offer. But I know it's not always easy to communicate that in a way that doesn't feel pushy or out of alignment with who you are.
Sales copy (your website, social posts emails or ANY marketing collateral) isn't about persuading people who don't need what you have to offer. It's about connecting with the people who do.
It’s about giving them the information they need, using context that is relatable to them, to help them make a decision about whether a solution is right for them.
It’s about saying: I know where you are right now (empathy). I know where you want to be (understanding). And I know how to help you (credibility).
It’s about connecting their own self-interest (to make a change, resolve an issue, fulfil a need, feel better, live better, whatever it is) to the outcomes achieved by your offering.
And the most powerful way to do that? Is through story.

By the end of my Selling through Storytelling course, you’ll have a better understanding of how you can use story to persuade and influence people in a way that feels GOOD.
- No more icky sales speak or hesitating over self-promotion.
- No more staring at a blank screen wondering what to say.
- No more assumptions about who your customers are and what matters most to them.
- No more getting stuck for content ideas or second-guessing your writing.
- No more repeating the same ol’ messages as everyone else that just don’t stand out.
You’ll be in a better position to create content that you know is in alignment with who you are, what matters to you and what matters to your audience - no gross sales techniques, or pushy, unethical or demonising language in sight.
You’ll see how selling starts with connection - and how you can create that connection through your content.
Importantly, you’ll discover how to divine language from your own audience that you can use to help you shape really meaningful messages, so you can convert through connection, not coercion.
You’ll discover:
The power of persuasion through story
How to reach into the minds of your customers and put that data to use
What makes a message memorable and ethical storytelling techniques to bring those messages to life
How to find story all around you and share those messages in meaningful ways
How to get clear on your own brand messages and consistently create content that resonates with your audience
Hold up, what is storytelling anyway?
Let’s get one thing straight: storytelling for your business isn’t fluff, or fiction, or fairytales. When we talk about storytelling, we mean using authentic, genuine and relatable content to represent your brand. It’s about bringing real, tangible, humanised touch points into your copy, in a way that will ensure your message will be remembered.
Storytelling is how we bond; it’s how we find our tribe. It’s how we connect and understand each other. Storytelling can be an incredibly powerful tool for your business.
And here’s the thing: you don’t have to be whimsical or creative or a natural writer to be a great storyteller.
You just need to know how to be engaging and relatable to YOUR target audience. That starts by truly understanding THEM, the way they think and the language they use - and how to put those insights to use.
This course will help you understand how to do just that, so you can consistently and confidently create content for your brand that you know connects with the right audience.

So, is this the right course for you?
If you’re a business owner, marketer or even a beginner copywriter, this course is designed to help you confidently create content - whether that’s for your website, your blog or for social media - with greater clarity around the intention and impact of your messaging.
- If you’ve ever felt like all your social media posts are ‘pushing product’ all the time...
- If you’ve ever wondered how to leverage emotion in your content...
- If you’ve ever wondered what ‘being authentic’ really means when it comes to writing…
- If you want to cut through the noise and stand out in your industry with distinctive messaging…
- If you want to get clear on who you are and what you stand for … and attract customers whose values align with your own…
…Then Selling through Storytelling will give you the frameworks you need.

What's included?
This is a 6-week online course. It includes online course content to review at your own pace, as well as 5 x weekly live lessons. If you can't make these lessons live, they will be recorded and uploaded to your online portal. You'll have the chance to ask questions, and get advice from me.
Online access to lessons
Bonus resources and workbooks to guide you
Swipe files and templates to use
Live online lessons to connect with others, ask for feedback and get your questions answered
What do I know?
The things you’ll learn throughout this course are concepts that I use every day to support my own clients in creating incredible content for their brands.
I’m not here to talk about me, but I do want you to feel confident that you’re learning from someone who has the creds to back it up. For over 13 years I’ve been helping all kinds of businesses create stand out copy and share their brand story. This includes solo-preneurs and small businesses through to corporates and multi-national organisations.
My clients tell me that my greatest skill is evoking emotions through my writing - and that’s what I’ll help you learn too.
With my background in linguistics and language teaching, I’ve dug deep into how people use language, how language shapes our identity and what it says about who we are. I look past the surface to explore why we say what we say, how we interpret the use of language, how language evolves, and its shifting resonance in an ever-changing world.
Because copywriting isn’t just about being creative with words. It’s about the deeper thinking, strategy and analysis that goes into shaping where those words fall.
There is SO MUCH content out there - how do you reach people through all that noise, and connect with the right customers?
The answer is STORY. There is so much chat about what makes successful ‘sales copy’, but before you focus on that, focus first on what it takes to build rapport and establish connection with the people you are trying to reach - that’s where successful sales copy starts. Get the edge over others in your industry by learning the techniques that master storytellers know - and learn how to sell through storytelling.

Registrations for the previous round have now closed but you can still join the waitlist.

Not sure still?
If you're curious, but still unsure whether it's the right course for you, get in touch and I'll answer any questions you may have.