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Content planning workshop

Get clear about your brand's key messages and begin to build out a content calendar so you can consistently publish content throughout the year ahead.

This workshop has now passed, but you can still get access to a replay of the event. 

What sets your service apart from the rest? Through consistent messaging, you can magnetise the right people and cement a position of leadership and authority in your industry.

  • Sell more of what you offer because people understand your value and point of difference.

  • Become a confident, assertive voice to lead conversations in your industry.

  • Demonstrate that you understand the needs and challenges of your audience, and that you know how to help them.

  • Attract (don't chase) more of your ideal buyers by being a trusted source of knowledge and guidance.

Organic content remains one of your best assets in attracting new customers. Search engines love fresh, helpful content, but more importantly, so do the people who need your help. But an ad-hoc approach to creating content can leave people feeling confused about what you do, and how you can support them. That's why defining your brand message - who you are, what you do, what you know, how you're different and how you work - is so important for reaching the right people and defining your position in your industry.

In this 1-hour online workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The value of generosity in content marketing

  • The key elements you need to consider when constructing a content plan for your business

  • How to structure your content plan to also achieve SEO goals

  • How to uncover the defining content pillars that will enable you to consistently deliver on-brand messaging

  • Ways to find content ideas so you're never left struggling, procrastinating or totally avoiding your next post

  • How to build out a content calendar that keeps you consistently putting out high-value content throughout the year

So, is this workshop for you?

If you’re a business owner this workshop will give you the foundations you need to start building out your own content calendar for 2023 with greater clarity and intention.

  • If you know you should be blogging or creating marketing assets but get stuck on what to write...

  • If you feel like your message is muddled and confusing or you're always reactive to 'shiny object' messaging in your industry...

  • If you want to cut through the noise and stand out in your industry with differentiated messaging…

  • If you want to get clear on who you are and what you stand for … and attract customers whose values align with your own…

…Then this 1-hour workshop will give you the frameworks you need.

What do I know?

The things you’ll learn throughout this course are concepts that I use every day to support my own clients in creating incredible content for their brands.

I’m not here to talk about me, but I do want you to feel confident that you’re learning from someone who has the creds to back it up. For over 12 years I’ve been helping all kinds of businesses create stand out copy and share their brand story. This includes solo-preneurs and small businesses through to corporates and multi-national organisations.

With my background in linguistics and language teaching, I’ve dug deep into how people use language, how language shapes our identity and what it says about who we are. I look past the surface to explore why we say what we say, how we interpret the use of language, how language evolves, and its shifting resonance in an ever-changing world.

Because copywriting isn’t just about being creative with words. It’s about the deeper thinking, strategy and analysis that goes into shaping where those words fall.

There is SO MUCH content out there - how do you reach people through all that noise, and connect with the right customers?

It starts by getting really clear on your brand messages - and having a plan in place to share them.

Missed it live? No worries, click below and you'll still be able to purchase a recording of the workshop.